Frequently Asked Questions

  • Enrolments can be made at any time during the term.

    Mid-term enrolments have fees adjusted to account for the remaining sessions.

    • Create an account or log into the student portal through our website

    • On the main dashboard click the "Booking" button (you can also find a booking option in the menu of the portal.

    • After clicking on Booking, you will see a button to find classes.

    • Once on the Find Classes screen you can apply filters to narrow your search. For example, you can filter by Days of the Week and/or filter by Programs (Tiny Tops, Circus 101, Aerial Basics etc), or Pre-Team).

    • Once you find a class you would like to enrol in select add to cart, and follow the steps to complete your booking.

  • Our classes enrol on an ongoing basis, with fee's charged by the term.

    Term costs reflect the number of scheduled classes. Pricing is dependent on the type of class.

    New students are charge based on the number of remaining classes in the term they commence.

    Ongoing students are sent out fee's for the following term towards the end of the current term. To confirm and hold your place in subsequent terms, your fees must be paid by the due date on your account (usually during the last week of the proceeding term).

  • Yes! All new students can try a free class before enrolling! Click here to get in touch about booking in.

  • Preschool children should book into our Tiny Tops classes.

    Primary school children - The most popular class for primary school aged students is Circus 101 which covers the basics in all circus disciplines, however, students who are interested in Aerials only (Silks, Trapeze and Aerial Hoop) may choose to join Aerial Prep (5 - 8 year olds) or Aerial Basics (9 - 16 year olds).

    High school students - Start with either an Aerial Basics class or Circus 101.

    Adults – the best place to start is in an Aerial Basics class.

  • You can follow the same steps described above to join a wait list for a given class. You can join multiple wait lists, and you can even join a wait list for your preferred day/time while they being enrolled in another class.

  • Please come dressed in comfortable, stretchy clothes such as t-shirts and leggings or shorts / trackies for boys. No dresses or baggy clothes please! Avoid skirts where possible as they can interfere with aerial skills.

    All our classes are done barefoot, so no shoes are required.

    Aerial students - wear something that covers your midriff and backs of your knees (eg leggings), burns can and will occur if your skin is bare!

    Jewellery and clothing with zips and buckles are not permitted while training.

  • Yes! We have a waiting area for parents. There are tables, chairs and heaters to keep you comfortable in winter.

  • No. The only fee's you'll need to pay are your term by term class fees

  • Fee's can be paid online via our student portal, in person with cash or card, or via a bank transfer.

  • We do not have formal scholarships but come talk to us if you need help for a period of time.

  • Yes!

    Students enrolled in more than one class receive the following discounts:

    • 20% off the price of their second enrolment

    • 40% off the price of their third enrolment

    • 60% off the price of their fourth and any subsequent enrolments

    Sibling discount:

    When more than one child is enrolled, the second child and any subsequent siblings receive 5% off the price of their first enrolment.

  • Subject to availability - you can book a make-up lesson after you have missed a class. You can find out more detailed information about how this works by clicking here.

  • Unfortunately, no. We aren’t in a position to offer this. When you pay your term fee’s you are effectively paying to hold a place on a particular day or time.

  • Rather than cancelling your enrolment and creating a new one, you can schedule a transfer via the Student Portal. This eliminates the risk of being enrolled for multiple classes or losing your enrolment all together.

    Here's how to do it:

    • Head to our Student Portal

    • In the menu select "Account"

    • Under students, select the name of who need to be transferred.

    • Here you can click on ‘Enrolments’ followed by ‘Transfer Enrolment’.

    • Filter the timetable as you wish and scroll through to look at your options.

    * If you wish to follow through with transferring, you can then press on your preferred class and follow the prompts. If you simply wish to look at the options, you can scroll through the timetable and then exit out of the app without processing any changes.

  • No classes are run on public holidays. If your class is effected by a public holiday, you won't be charged for this date.

  • Yes! But please be mindful of the following

    You must remain in the waiting area while taking photos.

    Do not distract your child by taking their photo. The most important thing is their safe participation in the class.

    Additionally, our photo and video policy includes the following:

    • Do not take photos of coaches or students without their permission*.

    • Do not post photos of coaches or students to social media without their permission*.

    • Do not distract any students while taking photos, as this can compromise safety and focus in class.

    • If a coach or anyone else asks you to not take photos, please respect their wishes.

    *if the student is a minor, you need the permission of their parent / legal guardian.

  • Yes! Circus is a performance-oriented art form. However, there is no obligation to take part if that's not your thing.

    • Circus 101, Circus Extra and Circus Up classes do in class "Show Offs" during the last class of Term 2 and Term 4.

    • Tiny Tops classes do in class "Show Offs" during the last class of Term 1 and Term 3.

    • Aerial classes level 2 and up do in class "Show Off's" during the last class of every term.

    Advanced students in Circus Extra and Circus Up have the opportunity to join our Youth Performance Troupe, who regularly perform at internal and external events.

    Advanced Aerial students also have opportunities throughout the year to perform in several internal and external events.

  • Circus 101 and Circus Extra students have in class Check In weeks during Term 1 and Term 3 each year to asses if they meet the skills criteria to move to a higher level class. If Circus 101 or Circus Extra students miss these sessions or would like to move up sooner, we also hold Check In sessions during school holidays.

    Aerial Prep and Aerial Basics students are assessed by their coaches in the final weeks of each term.

    Students in levelled Aerial Classes will need to attend an Aerial Check which is held outside of class times. These are scheduled termly, and dates can be found here.

  • There is a lot of moment during a parent assisted class, which can sometimes be unpredictable. It's important both your children are safe during class time.

    As such, an infant who is placed on the floor while you assist your older child, can create a dangerous situation.

    If you have a younger child who needs to be with you during class, we ask you either baby wear them or have them in a pram or carrier.

    If this is not possible for your circumstance, please talk to our staff, to see if there may be another way to make the situation safe for you.

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