Missed classes and make up lessons

The Circus Spot does not offer credits or refunds for missed classes.

Subject to availability students can book in for make ups sessions for missed classes. 

Although we do our best to accommodate students for make ups, these are not guaranteed. In some cases a make up may not be possible due to limited availability or student demand for make ups. Additionally, make ups may not be available during in-class check in weeks, or end of term show offs.

The Circus Spot reserves the right to withhold make up opportunities for any reason at any time.

In order to book a make up class, you first need a Make Up token.

How to get a Make Up token:

  • Once you have been marked absent from a class, the system automatically generates a Make Up token for you.

Using a Make Up token

  • Make ups cannot be booked in anticipation of an upcoming absence.

  • Make up tokens cannot be transferred between students.

  • Students can only take make up classes in the same apparatus and level as the class that they initially missed.

  • Make Up tokens are valid for 90 days and can be rolled over to a future term (as long as you stay enrolled).

How to redeem a make up token:

  1. Log into the Student Portal via our website or use this link:

  2. Click on ‘My Account’ in the menu

  3. Students associated with you will be listed

  4. Under their name click the ‘makeups’ button

  5. If you have Make Up tokens available you will see them listed on the next page

  6. Click ‘Use Makeup Token’

  7. Select a date

  8. Select a class and follow the prompts to complete your booking

IMPORTANT: The portal will only display classes where there are availabilities AND which you / your child meet the age requirements. If you cannot see a class, please check you / your child's date of birth is correct in your account.

If you are booking a make up in open training, conditioning or another alternative to your missed class - you need to contact our admin team to adjust your make up token to allow for this

If you cannot attend a make up class

  • If you book a make up session and do not attend, your token will be forfeited

  • If you want to cancel a make up and use the token at another time, please contact us at least 24 before your booked make up session so that we can free up the place for other students.